note : this page is my lowest priority sorry
the Elders taught (and the Ancients believed) that the Sun pulled the first Amhsolians from the ruddy clay of the Northern Mountains thousands of years ago. the early peoples harbored a great affinity for the movements in the Sky, ever searching for confirmation of the Prophecies that had been delivered to their forefathers on the mount.
from their eastern vantage point, they tracked the sun from the first light of the day til its collapse each night. they created the first calendars and spread them throughout all the nations, earning favor among men for the advancements their calendar systems and astrologies conferred. because of their generosity and technological superiority, the far-off tribes respected and feared the amhsolians, and so left their homeland in the north alone.
the amhsolians became the leaders of many of these nations, til generations had passed and their descendants laid claim to their own territories, distancing themselves from the cultish nomads who would annually make their pilgrimage back to equip the cavern builders.
this was the Imperial Period of amhsolia. the amhsolians governed the whole of the continent save for the region of Pantote, home to a sacred wellspring from which the Pantotean rulers were said to derive their powers. the location of the wellspring is unknown to all apart from the secretive lineages of the Queen and her silent priests.
outmatched technologically on account of the Aurens, the ancient rulers of Pantote made a treaty with the amhsolians, and accepted amhsolians into the priesthood in exchange for protection from the monsters to the south, whose gnashings so polluted their victims that even the Queen herself could not heal them.
the amhsolians sent their criminals along with their strongest soldiers to the region in defense of the queen. these peoples became the erikistani who fought their foes with fire.
with the horde went a group of scientists to research the creatures in the jungles, to the east of the mountains of the Erikistan territories. there they established the colony of Angoria.
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rin [6:57 PM]
the First Prophet
in the Early Days on the Mount before the Imperial Period, a disreputable family amongst the Amhsolians brought forth an Prophet who described the first vision of the divine Indwelling of the Sun.
this prophet (called Phynaez) instructed them to descend from the great Amhsolian Mountain and collect materials to build & fully furnish all the caverns in their native lands. after this underground was made livable, and stocked with supplies to last 40 years, the Amhsolians were to return and make the cave their dwellingplace to "avoid the Catastrophe."
many of the first people did not trust the prophet for he was an effeminate eunuch.
the tribe was thusly split in two, with the continentals favoring the teachings of the prophet from the Mount. they kept the ancient name of Amhsolia, believing it to be a sign from the ancestors that the Sun truly dwelt inside their Being as the prophet had claimed.
those who rejected the prophecy isolated themselves and utterly destroyed their own history, severing all ties with the wayward continentals. the "Pwerans" became illiterate sea-farers and abominable men, who turned their once bountiful island into a wasteland and left their impoverished children in the valleys of the isle of Pwerana as they sailed full of pride to the southernmost parts of the great continent.
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rin — 09/04/2022
the Daughters of the Moons
little is known of the true Origin of the Pantoteans. some say they were Sokkijanian outlaws, banished from their abode in the sky. others claim they were sent to amhsolii to live as Peace in all the land, and become the standard bearers of the highest Cause. it is the policy of the Priests to avoid comment.
most of the early Pantoteans lost the ways of their elders and forgot their ancestors in the outer worlds, after arriving in that perilous northwestern tundra.
they spread southward in search of a temperate land, til the Priestess came upon the divine wellspring. she was blessed by its Spirit with gifts of Healing and made Queen.
having established her nation around the eternal Wellspring, she received a vision of the Amhsolians in the east and the eventual Catastrophe. in an instant, the healer queen was stricken with sickness and grief. she hid the wellspring and herself away, knowing that from all the corners of the world there would come polluted men and beasts, seeking to destroy all that which is good.
she sent her sister, another Priestess, to the land now called Cavernhaed, to meet the Amhsolians and establish a colony to the west of their realm. Reat Cava.
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rin — 09/06/2022
before Lunaria
in the beginning of the Imperial Period (known to the hyperborean peoples as the First Age) there dwelt an Amhsolian family of good report, by a stream flowing north from the Solstice mountain: the Aurens.
the Aurens were an inventive people, and especially devoted to their work. all hours of the day the ringing clash of metal on metal emanated from the north, as the Aurens created.
their innovations quickly outpaced even those of the Pantoteans and the industrious settlers they sent to the east, the Cavians. it is known that upon first contact with the Aurens, the silent Priests of Reat Cava could not stop themselves from speaking.
on that day the Priests recounted the legend of the celestial Pantotean homeland on Sokkijan. they spake of travel between the moons, and meetings with the Sun; of heavenly cities taller than the Solstice dotting across the golden moon Eodon.
"you Aurens are nothing like the other Amhsolians," the speaking Priest chortled, "if the Elders were honest about the outer worlds, we would sooner call you children of the Eodites."
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R33V — 09/06/2022
the Beginnings of the Aurenae
in the years following the Speech of the Priests, a young lunar Priestess and servant of the Auren family known as Mara had discovered within the great golden moon of Eodon, a being which she called the God-Spirit. through Scrying, she learnt of the truest Manifestation of this power: the power of the Archon.
little is known of the true nature of this power; only that it allows those it touches to shape the world and make Rapid Advancements. In a sense, this power is an image of evolution itself, and a reflection of the will to push onwards.
believing in the power and potential of her newfound God-Spirit, Mara convened with Eodon through the Indwelling, and became an avatar of Eodon’s will. Mara abandoned her duties as a lunar priestess, and took upon herself the duty to birth a nation which could wield Eodon’s power, under the new banner of the Aurenae…
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rin — 09/06/2022
an Note on the Governance of Amhsolia
in Truth, there was never an entirely Unified Amhsolian Empire. though the sons and daughters of amhsolis after the Order of Phynaez considered themselves part of the divine Kinship of the Indwelling, the colonies the early nomads established for purposes of Gathering were nearly entirely autonomous, for better or worse.
for the most part, governance was left to families and their nearby neighbors. they were not truly considered subjects to the Empress, who oversaw these localities in the primary shared national projects of Cavern Building. Amhsolians in the Imperial Period who no longer wished to follow the prophet were therefore free to remain amhsolians and live in the land, but restricted from entering the caverns.
as the Children of Amhsolis took on new names and established their own peoples in disparate lands, the numbers of the nomads dwindled, until the Cavern Builders would work with little more than scraps. even the Amhsolians of the continent largely abandoned their Mission, until the arrival of the Cavians at Cavernhaed and their first meeting with the Builders and the Aurens.
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